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Agriculture Incentives

Southern Maryland Agricultural Equity Incentive Matching Fund

This program is a joint partnership is designed to incentivize loan requests from Southern Maryland farmers and to help them meet certain down-payment (equity) requirements, in order to help improve the credit quality of their applications.

Southern Maryland Farm Mini Grant Program

This program designed to assist new and beginning farmers with small start-up projects and assist existing farmers looking to diversify/expand a current agriculture project. The projects should be simple in scope and completed relatively quickly, lasting no more than one year. SMADC awards be will be up to $2,000 per applicant,and is a one-to-one match by the farmer.

Southern Maryland Revolving Loan Fund for Agricultural & Shellfish Aquaculture Producers

The Southern Maryland Revolving Loan Fund for Agricultural Producers is a loan program designed exclusively for Southern Maryland applicants. Loans amounts range from $10,000 – $20,000 to:

  • Purchase livestock and/or enhance existing herds and flocks, and for the foundation and expansion of shellfish aquaculture.
  • Incubate the production of small fruits and hops and increase acreage by existing small fruit growers.
  • Upgrade for the safe growing, harvesting, packing and holding of produce in line with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).

Maryland Value Added Producer Grants Program

Once per year, MARBIDCO offers grants of between $2,500 and $10,000 distributed on a competitive basis for value added processing capital asset projects. Eligible applicants must be a crop or livestock producer or processor, agricultural cooperative, seafood processor, or primary or secondary timber products processor, and have been in business for a minimum of two years. In addition, applicants must be making a product that is “value added.”

Maryland Resource Based Industry Financing Fund Loan

The MRBIFF program makes available low-interest loans to qualified applicants for the purchase of land and capital equipment. Commercial lender participation is required. MARBIDCO may provide up to a maximum of 40% of any financing needed for a project under the condition that a commercial lender (and/or a public instrumentality) has at least an equal financial commitment in the project.

Maryland Vineyard Planting and Hops Loan Fund

Affordable financing to meet the unique financing needs of Maryland’s landowners wanting to establish or expand vineyards, orchards and hopyards. Interest-only options are available for a period of two to three years.

Rural Business Equipment and Working Capital Loan Fund

The major aim of the Rural Business Equipment and Working Capital Loan Fund program is to help rural businesses innovate, diversify and exploit emerging market opportunities.