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Baltimore Business Journal Reports on Retirement of Vision Technologies CEO & Former AAEDC Board Member John Shetrone, Jr.

June 16, 2022

The Baltimore Business Journal reported on the retirement of John Shetrone, Jr., founding President and CEO of Vision Technologies and a longtime member of the AAEDC Board, in the following article:

Vision Technologies founder John Shetrone retires

The article noted Shetrone’s service to AAEDC and additional organizations that work to promote the success and growth of tech in Anne Arundel County, and throughout Maryland, in the following paragraph:

Beyond his work at Vision, Shetrone has also served on a number of boards during his career, including the Maryland Technology Development Corp. (TEDCO), the Chesapeake Innovation Center and the Anne Arundel Economic Development Corp. In early 2020, Vision also established the Anne Arundel Community College John L. Shetrone Jr. Scholarship to support local students and by the end of the year, the company will have donated an estimated $550,000 to various organizations nationwide since its founding.

It also included the following  praise from AAEDC:

“In the almost ten years that John served on the AAEDC Board, he provided valuable feedback on many initiatives that we implemented to better serve businesses in our county. He had a unique perspective as a home-grown entrepreneur and through his many connections. We are grateful for his insight that contributed to making our county a great place to do business.”



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