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Cybersecurity Compliance Funding

About Government Contractor Cybersecurity Compliance

Small businesses working on government contracts, especially with the Department of Defense (DoD), must comply with key cybersecurity requirements:

Why It’s Important

Compliance ensures the protection of sensitive information, eligibility for contracts, and alignment with national security goals. It also builds trust with federal agencies and reduces risks of cyberattacks, legal penalties, and disqualification from government work.

AAEDC Certification Compliance Funding

AAEDC’s Next Stage Tech Fund exists to support the growth of tech-based businesses in Anne Arundel County – including small government contractor businesses that are planning to allocate money for compliance certifications including (but not limited to) CMMC, NIST, and DFARS. The Fund offers low-interest loans with flexible terms, ranging from $50,000 to $250,000.

Click here to learn more and request a consultation with our finance team today.

Additional Resources

In addition to AAEDC’s Next Stage Tech Fund, there are several Federal and State programs that exist to support small businesses navigating cybersecurity requirements. There are also many organizations that offer valuable information on the topic.

  • Department of Defense (DoD) Programs
    • Project Spectrum: Supported by DoD’s Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), Project Spectrum is dedicated to enhancing the cybersecurity of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). Its mission is to strengthen cybersecurity readiness, resilience, and compliance for small and medium-sized businesses and the federal manufacturing supply chain. The program provides tailored resources to help businesses navigate cybersecurity challenges effectively and affordably through free tools, assessments, and resources. Their affordable guidance and tailored training will enhance competitiveness and improve business resilience.
    • Maryland MEP Cybersecurity Training for Maryland Manufacturers: Through the EARN Maryland grant, Maryland MEP may be able to help manufacturing organizations apply for and access funding to assist with the cost of cybersecurity training. This includes but is not limited to training on how best to implement CMMC requirements.
  • Maryland Department of Commerce Programs
  • Maryland APEX Accelerator Compliance Webinar Videos
  • Regional Cybersecurity Organizations: