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Market Research Documents

Economic Research to Inform Business Decisions

Our research library includes the latest numbers on the Anne Arundel County economy and business climate, providing you with key information to understand the market and make the best decisions for your business.

Our economic reports include:

  • Bimonthly New & Expanding Businesses Lists, featuring business locations identified as new to, relocating to, expanding in, or under new ownership in Anne Arundel County.
  • The monthly Anne Arundel County At A Glance, including the latest numbers on employment, home sales, and commercial real estate.
  • Quarterly Economic Indicators, including numbers on employment, resident labor force, commercial real estate, building permit activity, housing sales, tourism, cost of living, real property tax base, and BWI Thurgood Marshall airport, plus an ever-changing custom section.
  • Annual and custom reports on a wide array of topics such as county demographics, commuting patterns, and more.

View or download our latest reports below, and please note that all materials are available in alternative formats upon request. To make sure you don’t miss any reports, sign up for our monthly newsletter.

Our inaugural Annual New & Expanding Businesses List Report offers a comprehensive overview of the county’s commercial real estate activity in 2024. Published as a flipbook, the searchable report includes a total of 389 business locations that AAEDC identified as new to, relocating to, expanding in, or under new ownership in Anne Arundel County in 2024, plus a geographic breakdown and top takeaways. Scroll through and search the Report below, or click here to view it in a new window.
