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Inclusive Ventures Program +

Inclusive Ventures Program

Are you a small business owner with immediate plans

to grow to the next level?

Inclusive Ventures Program

The Inclusive Ventures Program (IVP) seeks to help small, minority-owned, woman-owned, and Veteran-owned businesses in Anne Arundel County succeed and grow.  The program offers a robust menu of resources including business education, mentorship, and access to capital. The goal is to help small businesses maximize opportunity, create jobs, and grow our local and state economy.

Due to the personalized atmosphere of the program, each cohort is limited to 10-13 participants. Businesses must be located in Anne Arundel County and business owners must complete an application and interview to be considered for admission to the program.  The company should be in business for at least two years and have employees. Applicants whose business is in a commercial space are preferred.

Upon acceptance, entrepreneurs will participate in the program’s signature component, the Virtual Entrepreneurship Cohort. This online experience is a three-hour class once a week for eight weeks. Participating businesses also receive exclusive, complimentary consultations with legal, human resources and accounting experts.

After attending all sessions and completing all assignments and required meetings, participants will receive an operating grant that can be used for working capital.

Graduates may apply for additional funds through two of AAEDC’s financing programs, the VOLT Fund or the VOLT Microloan Fund.

View our one-page IVP flyer in English and Spanish here.

APPLY TODAY! To request the application, please contact Barbara Quaye, Business Development Director, at [email protected]

¡APLICA HOY! Para solicitar la solicitud, comuníquese con Barbara Quaye, Directora de Desarrollo Comercial: [email protected]

Sign up for the monthly AAEDC newsletter here.

Learn More About IVP

Listen to Barbara Quaye, AAEDC Business Development Director and IVP Manager, and IVP Facilitator Will Holmes discuss why they both say “If you’re serious about your growth and serious about making an impact in the county, you should consider applying to be a member of an upcoming cohort” on a recent episode of the My ArundelBiz Podcast on YouTube or Facebook.

Listen to Peake Social co-owner Jeremiah Batucan discuss how participating in IVP has helped him grow his business on Facebook or YouTube.

Listen to Jaron Rice, owner of Magothy Payments, Inc. reflect on his experience as a member of the September 2022 IVP cohort on Facebook or YouTube.

Virtual Entrepreneurs Cohort

An eight-week online program designed by experts in the field to give you practical skills to grow your business.

Link to Virtual Entrepreneurs Cohort


Low interest loans from $25,000 to $500,000 for commercial real estate acquisition/expansion, lease-hold improvements, equipment, and working capital.

Link to VOLT Fund

Start a Business

Check out our array of business advisory services and information.

Link to Start a Business

Need Market Research?

Want to identify potential markets or understand the competition?
Access AAEDC's economic and data reports including our popular bi-monthly new and expanding business list.

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