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My Quarantined ArundelBiz Podcast Featuring the Montana Masks Initiative

April 29, 2020

COVID-19 has changed daily life for all in Anne Arundel, forcing many #ArundelBiz to make hard decisions and pivots. During this time of uncertainty it brings us joy to feature one such incredible pivot for the greater good. In this virtual “quarantined” episode, the My ArundelBiz Podcast team talks to Steve and Joan Saint Amour, co-founders of Eclipse Group Inc., a marine operations service provider in Annapolis.

By collaborating with St. Mary’s Parish & School of Annapolis, other local schools, the Anne Arundel County Public Library, and private donors, the Saint Amour’s set up a 3D printer network that runs 24-7 to make Montana Masks (aka reusable N95 masks) to donate to staff at the Anne Arundel Medical Center.

Watch this newest release to learn more about the Montana Mask Initiative and why collaboration is so important to communities during a time like this. Have a 3D printer handy? Temporarily donate it to help their cause!

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Anne Arundel County Requires Retail Shoppers and Employees to Wear Masks to Prevent Spread of COVID-19 »

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P 410-222-7410
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