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Capital Gazette Reports on AAEDC’s Distribution of CARES Act Funds

June 20, 2021

The Capital Gazette reported on AAEDC’s role in distributing over $15 million of the nearly $101 million that Anne Arundel County received in CARES Act funding in the following article:

Anne Arundel finds $5 million to put toward additional pandemic assistance, exhausts the rest of CARES Act funds

AAEDC was one of many county agencies that used funds to support residents whose lives were upended as restrictions to protect the public against the novel coronavirus also froze large swaths of the economy, closed school buildings and overwhelmed existing social safety nets.

Here’s what AAEDC did:

“The Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation spent more than $15 million on relief to 634 restaurants and food-service establishments, 277 child care centers and at-home providers and 788 small businesses. The agency also used $126,000 to pay hunters and butchers to kill and process deer for venison that was then donated to food pantries.”


Capital Gazette Reports on Launch of Glen Burnie Farmer's Market »

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