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Washington DC Media Cover AAEDC Launch of VOLT Fund to Assist Flooded Businesses in Annapolis

January 14, 2024

Two Washington, DC area media outlets, WUSA (CBS) and DC News Now, reported on AAEDC activating the VOLT Disaster Recovery Relief Program, and thereby allowing flooded business in Annapolis to apply for up to $50,000 in grant funding, following Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley’s signing of a City State of Emergency declaration on January 12.

WUSA aired a brief segment and published the following article including details on eligibility for and requirements of the Maryland Department of Commerce-funded Program, which offers grants of up to $50,000 to help small, minority-owned, woman-owned, and Veteran-owned businesses and non-profits located in the City of Annapolis recover from the damage and pause in operations sustained from the flooding experienced on January 9 and 10, 2024:

Mayor of Annapolis declares citywide state of emergency after Tuesday’s historic floods

The DC News Now article, which was also picked up by Yahoo! News, included details on the application requirements and the following quote from Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman:

“I want to thank the Mayor for declaring the disaster in the City of Annapolis so that our Economic Development team can make funding available to impacted businesses.”

Chesapeake Bay Magazine Reports on AAEDC VOLT Fund Launching to Assist Flooded Businesses »

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